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THIS True CONCEPTION is likewise known by many various Signs; whereof I shall mention a Few, not out of any vain Curiosity, but meer Necessity: Because, supposing a Woman to labour under any dangerous acute Disease, it is of the greatest Importance, to be certain, whether she hath conceiv’d, or not; by reason that the Means of her future Relief must (of Necessity) be adapted to her present Condition.

CHAP. II. Of the Signs of CONCEPTION.


THE Signs of Conception are many and various, and accordingly some more, some less certain, as hereafter set forth; whereof I shall only mention such as are most common and familiar to the Generality of Women: viz.

I. THE Retention or Suppression of the Menstrua; when not occasion’d by some other Indisposition.

II. SUDDEN Weakness, Feebleness, and Imbecility of the Body and Limbs.

III. LAZINESS, Weariness, and Sleepiness, with a Heaviness of the whole Body; but especially of the Reins and the Thighs.

IV. A sort of little Spots, or hard Warts, arising in the Face and Forehead.
