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UPON the whole, I would in fine recommend my self to the candid Reader’s Benevolent and Charitable Opinion, and if in any particular Point or Respect (because we are but Men) I may not have had the Happiness to please, or to give Satisfaction, Pray impute it not to Sloth or Idleness, but to Peregrination and Travelling; in which it may be well suppos’d that Studies are too often interrupted. Remember also that of Pliny, “haud ullo in genere veniam Justiorem esse, si modò mirum non est, Hominem Genitum non omnia Humana novisse.” For as none of us can do all Things, nor is sufficient for All; so it is Natural for Man to fall, to err, and to be deceiv’d: And as we see some Blemishes in the most beautiful Bodies, so there is nothing altogether Perfect, among the Works of Men.


From my House, in New-Bond-street, over against Benn’s-Coffee-House, near Hannover-Square. 1724.

J. M.




SECT. I.Chap. 1.Of God. Pagessss12.Of Nature.ssss13.Of Man.ssss14.Of the Soul.ssss15.Of the Faculties of the Soul.ssss16.Of the Humane Body.ssss17.Of the Formation of the Embryo.ssss18.Of the Animation of the Fœtus.ssss19.Of the Maturation of the Infant.ssss110.Of the Nutrition and Posture of the Infant.ssss111.Of the Membranes and Waters.ssss112.Of the Secundine or After-Birth.ssss113.Of the Umbilical Vessels, or Navel-String.34SECT. II.Chap. 1.Of the Symptoms peculiar to the State of Maiden-Hood. Pagessss12.Of Virginity.ssss13.Of the Virgin-Disease, commonly call’d the Green-Sickness.ssss14.Of Love.ssss15.Of Copulation.ssss16.Remarks upon Copulation.ssss17.Of the Power of the Imaginative Faculty.ssss18.Of the Similitude of Children.ssss1SECT. III.Chap. 1.Of Conception. Pagessss12.Of the Signs of Conception.ssss13.Of the Diet and Regimen of the Pregnant Woman.ssss14.Of the Symptoms of the first three Months.ssss15.Of Vomitings, or Nauseating.ssss16.Of Fastidy, or Loathing.ssss17.Of the Pica or Longing.ssss18.Of Cholicks and Gripes.ssss19.Of a Diarrhea, or Looseness.8610.Of the Tooth-Ach.8511.Of the Head-Ach.8712.Of the Megrim, or Vertigo.8813.Of the Symptoms of the Middle Three Months.9214.Of Coughs.9315.Of Heart-Beatings and Swooning-Fits.9416.Of Watchings.9517.Of Pains in the Hips, Loins, &c.9618.Of Hæmorrhagies, or Bleedings.9719.Of Fluxes of Blood.9820.Of the Symptoms of the last three Months.10121.Of Dysuries, Ischuries, and Stranguries.10222.Of Costiveness.10323.Of Tenesms.10524.Of the Varices, or Vein-Tumours.10625.Of the Inflations and Tumours of the Legs.10726.Of Fissures, or Chops of the Belly.10827.Of Water-Fluxes.10928.Of Acute Diseases incident to the Child-Bearing Woman.11029.Of the Debility and Weakness of the Fœtus.11530.Of Abortion.11631.Of a Legitimate Birth.13132.Of an Illegitimate Birth.13433.Of a Seven-Months Birth.13534.Of an Eight-Months Birth.14035.Of a Nine-Months Birth.14236.Of a Ten-Months Birth.14437.Of an Eleven-Months, and all posterior Births.14738.Of the Reasons why one Number of Months, Weeks and Days, is more Auspicious to Birth than another.15039.Of the Diet and Regimen of the Woman, before and about the Time of Birth.15940.Of the Natural Causes of Birth, and Pains of Labour.16141.Of the Causes of a sooner, or later Birth.163SECT. IV.Chap. 1.Of Midwifery.1672.Of the Qualifications of the ordinary Midwife.1713.Of the Theoretical and Practical Knowledge of the Midwife.1744.Of the Qualifications of the Extraordinary Midwife.1785.Of the External Parts of Generation.1836.Of the Internal Parts of Generation.1867.Of the Pelvis.1908.Of the Bones of the Pelvis.1919.Of the Womb.19610.Of the Extensive Faculty of the Womb.19911.Of the Substantial Density of the Womb.20012.Of the various Local Motion of the Womb.20313.Of the oblique Situation of the Womb.20414.Of Touching or Handling the Woman.20715.Of the various Uses and Advantages of the Touch.20816.Of the Genuine and Spurious Labour-Pains.21317.Of the True Method of Laying the Woman.21618.Of the Method of Extracting the Secundine, &c.220SECT. V.Chap. 1.Of Birth.2272.Of Natural Births.2303.Of Natural Difficult Births.2314.Of Difficult Births, proceeding from External Causes.2335.Of Difficult Births, proceeding from Causes of the Mother.2356.Of Difficult Births, proceeding from Causes of the Infant.2397.Of Difficult Births, proceeding from Causes of the Membranes.2418.Of Difficult Births, proceeding from the Causes of the Pelvis.2429.Of Difficult Births, proceeding from Causes of the Bones of the Pelvis.24510.Of Difficult Births, proceeding from Causes of the Bladder and Rectum.25011.Of Difficult Births, proceeding from the Causes of the Vagina.25212.Of Preternatural Births.25313.Of Preternatural Births, by the Face’s being turn’d upwards; or bent forwards, and the Crown backwards.25714.Of Preternatural Births, by the Hand, Elbow, Shoulder, Knees, or Buttocks, presenting first.25915.Of Preternatural Births, by the Breast, Belly, or Back presenting first; and the Infants, lying transverse.26116.Of Preternatural Births, by the Feet presenting first.26417.Of Preternatural Births, by Two, or more Infants presenting themselves ill-turn’d.26618.Of Preternatural Births, proceeding from Causes of the Womb.26819.Of Preternatural Births, from the Womb’s inclining Forwards.27020.Of Preternatural Births, from the Womb’s inclining backwards.28221.Of Preternatural Births, from the Womb’s inclining to either Side.28722.Of Preternatural Births, proceeding from the Median oblique Situations of the Womb.29123.Of Preternatural Births, proceeding from complicated Causes, of both the Infant and the Womb.29424.Of Preternatural Births, proceeding from the Navel-String’s coming first, and that either alone, or with some other Member.30025.Of Preternatural Births, from the After-Birth’s coming first into the Passage.30326.Of Preternatural Births, proceeding from the Death of the Infant.305SECT. VI.Chap. 1.Of the Diet and Regimen of the Puerperial or Child-Bed Woman.3092.Of the After-Pains.3133.Of the Suppression of the Lochia, or Child-Bed-Purgations.3144.Of the immoderate Flux of the Lochia.3175.Of the Acute Distempers incident to Child-Bed-Women.3196.Of the various other Accidents, incident to the Child-Bed-Woman.3237.Of the Constriction of the Navel-String, and the Swaddling of the Infant.3258.Of the Nurse and her Regimen, together with the requisite Qualities of her Milk.3299.Of the Diet and Ablactation, together with the farther Regimen of the Child.33310.Of the various Symptoms and Indispositions, wherewith the Child may be Born.34111.Of the Sundry Symptoms, and Diseases, peculiarly incident to the Infant after Birth.34612.Of the Acute Diseases of Infants.351SECT. VII.Chap. 1.Of Preternatural Conceptions.3552.Of Superfœtations.3563.Of a Numerous Conception.3584.Of False Conceptions.3605.Of Moles.3616.Of Monsters.3667.Of various deformed Conceptions.3738.Of Imaginary Conceptions.3789.Of Sterility or Barrenness.381SECT. VIII.Chap. 1.Of the Symptoms incident to the State of Widow-hood.3912.Of the Hysterick Passion.3933.Of the Strangulation of the Womb.398With a conclusive Application of the whole Work.

