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IN the Seventh, I have dilucidated the Philosophical History of all the different Sorts of Preternatural Conceptions as well as Births; and insisted at large upon the Theme of Women’s Sterility or Barrenness.

IN the Eighth and last Section, I have not only defin’d the Widow-State, as far as it concern’d my Purpose, but also diligently pursued the Subject-Matter, and traced down the Particulars of their common Grievances.

THESE, I say, are the general Heads of the Work, which are all again sub-divided into their proper respective Particulars; and consequently every general Head or Section assign’d its own relative Chapters, for the singular Benefit and more easy Comprehension of the Reader. And these Chapters consisting of 130 in Number, I have, with respect to every singular Distemper mentioned in them, First, defin’d the Nature of the Disease; Secondly, accounted for its Causes; Thirdly, I have given the Diagnostick Signs or Symptoms; Fourthly, the Prognosticks or Degrees of Danger; to which I have Fifthly and lastly added the Method of Prevention in many Cases, and That of Cure in All: So that there is almost not one Disease which can affect the Woman from her Birth to her Death, in Child, Maiden, Wife, or Widow-hood, whose Essence, Species, Differences, Causes, Signs, and Prognosticks, we have not sufficiently clear’d up.
