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IN the Fifth, I have ingenuously laid open the whole Mystery of Midwifery, as to all Sorts of Births, whether Natural or Preternatural, and faithfully laid down the Fundamental Principles and most certain Rules of this Profession; and that not only according to the best Notions of my own Application and Study, or the real Dictates of my proper Practice and Experience; but also according to the most ingenious Precepts and infallible Maxims of the ablest and most polite Professors of this excellent Art, and that also according to its newest and latest Improvements: And in these Cases, I have neither fear’d the Invectives of the Æmulous Zoilus, nor regarded the Snarlings of the reprehensive Momus: For Wise Men are not any longer to be entertained with Ænigmas, since God hath said, Fiat Lux.

IN the Sixth Part, I have not only prescrib’d the due Regimen, and provided for the Safety and happy Recovery of the Child-Bed-Woman, but also taken a suitable and corresponding Care of her Babe; As I have farther instilled particularly upon the various Disasters incident to both Mother and Child, in their respective tender Conditions of Child-Bed and Infancy.
