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THE Case then being so, it becomes all Men of Ingenuity and Integrity, to be also Communicative of such Things, as may tend to the Welfare of their Neighbours and to the Common Good of Mankind; since according to the Excellent Poet,

Scire tuum nihil est, nisi te scire hoc, sciat alter.

THIS was the Principle of the Ancients, who, as they discover’d the Natural Debility of the Female Sex, and that Women were not only Subject to all Diseases in common with Men, but also obnoxious to a vast many Distempers peculiarly singular to themselves, were first mov’d to write particular Books, and respective Treatises, upon these Heads: The most wise and divine Hippocrates, first breaking the Ice, after him Diocles, next Aetius, and at last many others; For the more Learned and Ingenious that any one found himself in his respective Age, the more readily he exercis’d himself in these difficult Points.

BUT now a-days Women may well complain, and cry out with Soranus, “O malè Occupatum virorum Genus, occidimur nos, non Morimur: Et ab illis, qui inter vos peritissimi existimantur, perperam curatæ, vos vero de qualibet vel levissima vestrarum Affectionum, Libros ex Libris facientes, Bibliothecas voluminibus oneratas, de Nostris inter ea diris ac difficillimis Cruciatibus, nulla vel exigua, & ea quidem satis oscitanter mentione factâ”: That Men, in short, study their own Good, and take more Care of Themselves than of the Women.
