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AS Man was set on the Theatre of this World, to the End that he might admire, delight, and confide in God his great Creator; so was the Humane Body made for the Divine Soul, and the respective Members for the Body: which all voluntarily concur in the Discharge of their peculiar Functions, for the Benefit and Use of the Whole.

AND so was every Stem endued with its own Faculty, and every Creature with its own Nature; which made Aristotle[1] most pertinently say, “That there’s nothing so minute in the Nature of Things, nothing so abject or despicable, but may reasonably afford Men something of Admiration.

NOW, I think, we may be soon brought to this Admiration, when we only view those Things which are so evidently exposed to our Eyes: such as the Elements, the Heavens, the Rising and Setting of the Sun, Moon, and Stars, the Diurnal and Nocturnal Vicissitudes, the four Seasons of the Year, comprehending the two Æquinoctials of Spring and Fall, and the two Solstices of Summer and Winter; by whose Decourse or Descent Grass fades, and Herbs decay; and again, by their Ascent or Influence, spring up and revive.
