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CHAP. IV. Of the SOUL.


THE SOUL is a certain divine Light, created after the Image of God; figured by a Seal, whose Character is the eternal Word.

THE SOUL is a certain divine Substance, individual, and entirely present in every Part of the Body, depending only upon the Power of Him, who is the ultimate End, and efficient Cause of all things; whose Body (according to Plato) is Truth, whose Shadow is Light, and whose Name is God.

AND this divine Substance of Light, the SOUL, immediately proceeding from that divine Fountain of all Things, God, (according to the Opinion of the Platonists) is join’d, by competent Means, to the grosser Matter of the Body. Which Means these Heathens account for in manner following: viz.

THE SOUL, in its Descent, is involved in an etherial Body, which they call the celestial Vehicle, or Chariot of the Soul; thro’ which Medium, by the Command of God, (who is the Center of the World) it is first infus’d into the middle Punct of the Heart, which is the Center of the Body; whence it is diffus’d thro’ all the Parts and Members of the Body, joining itself to the natural Heat. As a Spirit, generated by Heat from the Heart, it plungeth itself into the Humours; and thus inhering in all the respective Parts, it becomes equal in degree of Proximity to all the Members.
