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BUT notwithstanding that some curious Physicians (who have strictly scrutiniz’d the Works of Nature) would have the SOUL to center in the Brain, whence all its Senses, Faculties, and Actions proceed; yet some Philosophers have justly assign’d the Center of the Heart to its Residence: which Doctrine is also approved by the wise Solomon[5], saying; Keep thy Heart with all Diligence, for out of it are the Issues of Life.

HOWEVER yet, if any should still obstinately persist in denying the Being of the SOUL, I advise such to go no farther, but look into themselves, and call their own Minds to Counsel; for even there they will have a full View, not only of its Being, but also of its supernatural Excellency; If they but seriously weigh the eximious Gifts, and unlimited Faculties of Nature, together with the egregious Ornaments of Reason, Understanding, Judgment, Memory, and many other Accomplishments, with which every Mind is abundantly endued; they will clearly perceive something of a superexcellent Nature, and Supernatural Quality in themselves; which is nothing else but what I call the Soul, and which is also of a more noble and excelling Substance, than any corporeal Matter liable to Corruption can be.
