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HENCE we may clearly see how marvellously God has been affected towards us from the Beginning; how much he delighted in us, and desired the entire Fruition and full Enjoyment of our perpetual Familiarity, and eternal Fellowship; which Truth Christ[7] (the Wisdom of the Father) confirms by his own Testimony.

AND such is still the great Love and Propension of God towards Man, that all Things (thro’ his Grace) are communicated to him by his only SON;[8] and that more especially because we are conditional Sharers, equal Inheritors, and Joint-Heirs with him, agreeable to the[9] Apostles Phrase; and whatever is express’d in CHRIST, may also be in Man: Since as he is eternal, and lives for ever, so Man (by his Grace and Merits) does the same; for he having sufficiently bruised Satan’s Head, led Captivity Captive, and conquer’d Death, rose again, and became the Prince and Captain of so glorious a VICTORY, that all Men, by virtue of that Triumph, might be raised up again at the Last Day, and that to participate of an Immortality of Welfare or Woe.
