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AND these Four SENSES have their respective Organs in the Head: Common Sense and Imagination possess the two former Cells of the Brain, as the Cogitative Faculty doth the highest, and middle Part of the Head; the Memory taking up the hindmost Part thereof.

THE Organs of Speech and Voice are as many as the inward Muscles of the Thorax, betwixt the Ribs, Breasts, Lungs, Arteries, Wind-pipe, the Bending of the Tongue, and all Parts and Muscles, serving for Respiration, or Breathing: But the proper and immediate Organ of Speech, is the Mouth, in which are fram’d Words and Sentences, by the Tongue, Teeth, Palate, Lips, &c. above the sensitive Soul, which expresseth its Powers by the Organs of the Body. The incorporeal Mind possesseth the highest Place, and hath a double Nature; the one called the Contemplative, the other the Active Intellect, because of their respective Faculties.

ACCORDING to the three-fold Order of its Faculties there are three APPETITES in the Soul. The first is natural, which is an Inclination of Nature unto its End. The second is Animal, which is divided into irascible and concupiscible, relating to Anger and Desire. The third is intellective, and is call’d the Will; which (from its own deprav’d Quality) is affected with four PASSIONS, as the Body sometimes also is. The first is called Oblectation; the second, Effusion; the third, Ostentation; the fourth, and last, is what we commonly call Envy. And
