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BUT more especially: first, when we distinctly view the slender Filaments, the minute Vessels, the elaborate Contextures, and various Configurations of the different Organs of this Body. Secondly, When we duly consider the Power of its natural Faculties, the Situation of the Entrails, the Rise of the Nerves from the Brain, the Ducts or Conduits of the Arteries from the Heart, and the Original of the Veins from the Liver. Thirdly, When we call to remembrance, and ponder what I have been hinting upon, to wit, the Power of the natural Faculties of the Soul, by which they execute their relative Functions; besides, the Ætherial Spirit (the Seat and Vehicle of our natural Heat) dividing it self into a three-fold Diversity, and appropriating to itself as many Residences, viz. the Animal in the Brain, the Vital in the Heart, and the Natural Spirit in the Liver: And then again, how these three, by a Fomentation of native Heat, and nutritious Humours, cherish and refresh the whole Body supplying every Part with requisite Strength and Vigour. Fourthly, When at last we contemplate that Piece of incomprehensible Artifice, which gives a respective Species and Form to every particular Part, and implants a peculiar Faculty in every distinct Member, inducing such an Excellency into the whole Body; that is, the Formation and Delineation of the Foetus in the Womb.
