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ACCORDING to[14] Hippocrates’s Definition of the Genitura, it appears the likest of any Thing to a raw immature Egg, inclosing a certain red Liquor, with some pale-colour’d Fibres, of the finest Contexture, not unlike the Filaments of a small Spider’s Web, wrap’d up with the said red thick Blood in the Pellicule.

BUT in this place I must farther observe, that the abovesaid spirituous Substance, in which the effective Virtue of Conception resides, is endued with four distinct Faculties, which perfect as many different Operations, all subordinately effected in the Constitution of the Conception, viz.

I. THE animatïve or vivificating Faculty of the Menstruum, called by some the first Constitutive Faculty of Conception, operating, as above, in Seven Days; which is otherwise term’d the Time of Spumification, Lactation, or Coagulation.

II. THE separative or severing Faculty of the Parts of the grosser Materials of the Conception, destinated for the respective Constitution of the different Organical Members; which, being the Work of the next Eight or Ten Days, is perfected about the 15th or 17th Day from Conception; and this is called the Time of Lineation or Ramification, when the Genitura receives the Name of Embryo.
