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HOWEVER, I shall not here pretend to go much farther in describing the Formation, it being more the Philosopher’s than the Physician’s Business: But whatever farther Progress others may attempt, I judge it a most difficult and ambiguous Matter; for who can be so well vers’d in those Indiscoverables? Or, who can pretend to know sufficiently what is done in those Obscurities? The Series of Nature being profounder than our Understandings, is consequently above our nicest and exactest Scrutinies: Which Consideration makes me astonished at the Logical Dissertations that some Men offer on these Principles, even on the most minute Particles, and smallest Proportions, rashly and inconsiderately assigning every respective one of these, a precise definite Time for their Formation.

I HAVE often been inclin’d to think, that such Sciolists have not read, or at least not consider’d the Words of the[17] Preacher; As thou knowest not what is the Way of the SPIRIT, nor how the Bones do grow in the Womb of her that is with Child; even so thou knowest not the Works of GOD that maketh all. Neither do I find that the wise[18] Hebrean ever enter’d upon such Syllogisms, who (to the contrary) testifies that the Counsel of GOD is not to be known; that our Thoughts are miserable, and our Devices uncertain. Upon which Authority, I say, in this Case, as that Labour is commendable which can be compar’d to Possibilities, so to dive into those Things, which exceed our Judgments, and admit of no possible Comparison, is nothing better than Folly. Wherefore All that is further requisite, or possible for us, is to contemplate and admire the Greatness and Elegancy, the Sublimity and Profundity of this wonderful and amazing Work of Formation; which Subject (we find) hath been the frequent Contemplation of the Royal Prophet[19], particularly expressing himself, in the most eloquent and sublime Terms, according to the divine Light of his illuminated Understanding: Saying, Thou hast possessed my Reins: Thou hast ordered me in my Mother’s Womb. I will praise thee, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made, marvellous are thy Works, and that my Soul knoweth right well. My Substance was not hid from thee, tho’ I was made in secret, and curiously fashioned in the lowest Parts of the Earth. Thine Eyes did see my Bones, yet being imperfect; and in thy Book were all my Members written; which Day by Day were formed, when as yet there was none of them. Whence I proceed in order, to
