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FARTHER, as the Sun suffers Eclipses, and is obscured by the Intervention of the Moon; and the Moon again (in like manner) is eclipsed and obscured by the Objection or Interposition of the Earth, the Sun always running thro’ the Ecliptick Line in the same Degree, and the Moon in opposite Degrees: So Body and Soul are subject to their own Impediments and Eclipses; sometimes defending, and sometimes offending one another; both sympathizing mutually, and participating equally of one another’s Portion. As it is evident from the very Words of our dying Saviour, who, by reason of his Human Weakness, broke out into these[12]Words, My Soul is exceeding sorrowful, even unto Death: Which Death, in the next Verse, he, in a manner, deprecates of the Father. For though he was not yet insulted, or laid hands upon, yet his whole Mind and Thoughts running upon his approaching Danger, he was seiz’d with such Horror and Trepidity, as express’d a bloody Sweat, which streamed from his whole Body: so that the Acerbity of his Grief must (of consequence) have been communicated to both Parts; and beginning in the Soul, did thence redound into the Body.
