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THESE four PASSIONS arising from a deprav’d APPETITE of Pleasure; its Grief or Perplexity doth occasion as many contrary PASSIONS: viz. Horror, Sadness, Fear, and Sorrow at another’s Good, without its own Hurt; which is call’d Envy, being a Sadness at another’s Prosperity, as Pity is a certain kind of Sadness at another’s Misery or Adversity.

BUT not to insist on these Topicks, I shall only add a few Words upon the PASSIONS of the Mind; which are nothing else than certain Motions or Inclinations, proceeding from the Apprehension of any Thing, as of Good or Evil, &c.

THESE Apprehensions are of three different Sorts, viz. Sensual, Rational, and Intellectual. And according to them, there are three Sorts of Passions in the Soul; the first, following the sensual Apprehension, respects a temporal Good or Evil, under the Notion of Profit or Loss, Defence or Offence, &c: and they are called Natural or Animal Passions.

THE second following the Rational Apprehension, respects Good or Bad, under the Notion of Virtue or Vice, Praise or Disgrace, &c: and they are called Rational or Voluntary Passions.
