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BUT there is another Sett of Miscreants, who don’t so much deny the Existence, as the Immortality of the Soul. This I esteem a Piece of the grossest Impiety, to think that spiritual Substance Mortal and Frail, which is inspir’d in Man by the Divine Will and Command, proceeding immediately from the very Substance of God himself: Since if Man be made after the Image of God, to express his Similitude, he must needs participate of his Nature, and consequently be a Fellow-Sharer of Eternity: And if the human Soul be Partaker of the divine Essence or Substance, as God is eternal and incapable of Decay, so it must needs be eternal, and free from all Corruption.

MOREOVER, God form’d and made all other Things for the sake of Man, but Him he made for his own sake, and therefore like unto Himself; for which reason, he was pleas’d to agglutinate Immortality to Mortality, and Divinity to Humanity: By which Means, the divine Nature incorporates, as it were, with the human, and the human is united to the divine.
