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THIS Being, only and alone, vivifies, rules, and governs the Body; furnishing it with innumerable Actions, and exercising it with as many curious Offices. Hence, from its manifold Effects, and different Operations, it has various Appellations, according to St. Augustine’s Saying: “Cùm Corpus animat, Vitâq; imbuit, Anima dicitur: Dum vult, Animus: dum Scientiâ ornata est, ac Judicandi peritiam exercet, Mens: dum recolit ac reminiscitur, Memoria: dum ratiocinatur, ac singula discernit, Ratio: dum Contemplationi insistit, Spiritus: dum Sentiendi vim obtinet, Sensus.” Which are all the principal Functions of the Soul, whereby it demonstrates its Power, and performs its relative Offices. In the Execution whereof, St. Cyprian asserts, that the SOUL makes use of the Body, as the Workman does of the Mallet, Hatchet, or Anvil: tho’ (I think) the Simile may be drawn much nearer, the SOUL being inclosed and dwelling in the Body, as the Fish or the Snail in the Shell; without which Receptacle, or Rampart of Defence, it cannot subsist: Which is evident in that, as soon as the Body labours under any Grief, the SOUL is also affected; not with a primary Affection (as some would have it) but by a Law of the most strict Alliance, and nearest Affinity; and hence it is, that the Vices and Virtues of the one are transfus’d, and flow into the other.
