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AND besides, the same is the Case, when the Natural Faculties are all at work in forming, or ripening the Fœtus; for if the Woman be surpriz’d at any sudden Evil, or frighted at any unseemly Sight, the Humours and Spirits presently retire downwards, and (as it were) abscond themselves in the Recess of the Womb: From whence immediately a strong IMAGINATION of the disagreeable Thing (whether seen or heard only) seizes her Mind; and the Forming Faculty (going on in the Interim) quickly impresses the Imaginary Idea of That thing heard off, or the Shape and Form of That thing seen, upon the Fœtus. The same is the Reason, that if a Mouse, Rat, Weazel, Cat, or the like, leaps suddenly upon a Woman that has conceived, or if an Apple, Pear, Plum, Cherry, &c. fall upon any part of her Body; the MARK of the thing (be what it will) is instantly imprinted, and will manifestly appear on the same Part, or Member of the CHILD: unless the Woman (in that very Moment) wipe That Part or Member, and move her Hand to some more remote, private, or convenient Place of the Body: which done, the MARK is actually averted, or at least stamped upon the other Part touch’d, where the deep Impression of the Mind, directs, and fixes the IMAGINATION; and whither the Forming Faculty (not so much by any Virtue of the simple Touch, as by Force of the strong IMAGINATION) infallibly converts it.
