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INSOMUCH that the Woman’s IMAGINATION frequently induces a strange Likeness to her Infant; that is, in no Part, and in no Respect, favouring the Father. From whence it often happens, that a Woman abusing her Husband’s Bed, and fearing perhaps to be surpriz’d by him in the ACT, brings forth (in due time) her CHILD, no ways resembling the real Father, (namely the Gallant); but altogether LIKE to the injur’d Husband.

UPON which Case the following facetious Epigram was occasionally written by the famous and celebrated Sir Thomas More.

“Quos ante Conjux quatuor

“Natos, SABINE, protulit,

“Multùm ecce dissimiles tui,

“Tuos nec ipse deputas.

“Sed quem tibi puellulum

“Enixa jam nuperrimè est,

“Solum tibi simillimum,

“Pro quatuor complecteris.

“Adulterinos quatuor

“Vocas, repellis, abdicas.

“Atqui graves tradunt Sophi,

“Quodcunque matres interim

“Imaginantur fortiter,

“Dum liberis datur opera,

“Ejus latenter & notas

“Certas, & indelebiles

“Modóque inexplicabili

“In semen ipsum congeri.

“Quibus receptis intimè,
