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Frank scrambled back to join his brother. The big boom with its shortened sail swung over, and, heeling under the force of the shrieking wind, the Gull darted toward the dangerous rocks once more. Toward the wrecked motorboat, toward the figure of the boy floating in the smother of foaming and storm-torn waves she swept.

Could they reach the helpless lad in time? It was the question uppermost in the hearts of Frank and Andy Racer.




“Can we make it, Frank?” questioned Andy desperately.

“We’ve got to,” came the quick answer. “Ease her off a little until I get the lay of things.”

“Is he swimming?” demanded the younger lad.

“Yes, but only with one hand. He must be injured. He can just manage to keep afloat. Put in a little closer. We’ve passed the worst of the Teeth. It’s deep water here, isn’t it?”

“Yes, as near as I can tell. I haven’t been here very often. It’s too dangerous, even in calm weather, to say nothing of a storm.”

The wind was now a gale, but the boys had their sailboat well in hand and were managing her skillfully. They came nearer to the feebly swimming lad.
