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Andy began to haul in on the rope. It was hard work to do this, and manage the boat at the same time, but he did it somehow—how he never could really tell afterward. But he had something of his brother’s grim determination and that was just what was needed in this emergency.

Slowly the rope came in, pulling the rescuer and the rescued one. Without it that life could never have been saved, for the waves were running high, and there was a current setting in toward the sharp, black rocks.

Foot by foot Frank and his almost unconscious burden were pulled toward the Gull.

“Can you keep up?” asked the elder Racer lad.

“I—I guess—so,” was the faint reply.

“We’ll be there in a minute now. You’ll soon be all right!”

The other did not answer. Valiantly Andy hauled in, until his brother’s head was right under the rail.

“I’ll take him now,” called Andy, as he let go of the tiller, and reached for the lad Frank had saved. With a strong heave Andy got him over the side. He slumped down into the cockpit, unconscious. A moment later Frank clambered on board and quickly untied the rope from his waist.
