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“There he goes—he’s sunk—he’s under!” yelled Andy, peering beneath the boom.

“Too bad!” muttered Frank. “We’re too late!”

Eagerly he looked into the tumult of waters. Then he uttered a joyful cry.

“There he is again! He’s a plucky one. We must get him, Andy!”

“But how? I daren’t steer in any closer or I’ll have a hole in us and we’ll go down.”

“We’ve got to save the poor fellow. I wonder who he is?”

“It’s tough,” murmured Andy. “See, the fire on the motor boat seems to be out.”

“Yes, probably the explosion blew it out. The boat floats well. Maybe we can save that.”

“Got to get this poor boy first. Oh, if he could only swim out a little farther we could throw him a line. Hey there!” he called to the lad, “we’re coming! Can you make your way over here? We daren’t come in any closer.”

There was no answer, but the desperately struggling lad waved his one good arm to show that he had heard. Then he resumed his battle with the sea—an unequal battle.

“Plucky boy!” murmured Frank. “I’m going to save him. He can never swim out this far.”
