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ssss1 James Amelang, «L’oligarquía ciutadana a la Barcelona moderna: una aproximació comparativa», Recerques, 13, Curial, Barcelona, 1983, pp. 7-25.

ssss1 James Amelang, «Gent de la Ribera» i altres assaig sobre la Barcelona moderna, Vic, Eumo, 2008, p. 65.

ssss1 Cfr. Albert García Espuche, Barcelona entre dues guerres: economia i vida quotidiana 1652-1714, Vic, Eumo, 2004, p. 43.

ssss1 Albert García Espuche, Barcelona..., pp. 49 i 43.

ssss1 Eduard Martí, La classe dirigent..., p. 131.

ssss1 Albert García Espuche, Barcelona entre dues guerres..., pp. 272 i ss.

ssss1 James Amelang, «Gent de la Ribera...», p. 59.

ssss1 «What makes the rise of thes middling sort so crucial is their attitude towards their superirs. Instead of resenting thems, they eagerly sought to imitate them (...). Their attitude thus provided the glue wich bound together the top half of the nations by means of an homogeneized culture of gentility». Lawrence Stone, An open elite, England 1540-1880, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1984, p. 409.
