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“In effect the tail in France is trying to wag a very distant and headless dog in England. We have had one check already in the matter of the increased weight of Mark IV. which it is possible may have serious results as regards transportation.

“In view of the inevitable expansion and great possibilities of this arm of the Service, I wish to urge most strongly that a Directorate (however small to begin with) be formed at the War Office on the lines of the Directorate of Aeronautics. Its functions to be to study possibilities of development, to watch design and supply, to co-ordinate training and administer the Corps as a whole. The officer in charge to be a senior officer, free to travel and empowered to issue definite instructions and decisions as to requirements to the Ministry of Munitions.”

As a result of this remonstrance, General Capper was appointed to the War Office, and the first Tank Committee was set up in the following May.

This Committee was commissioned “to systematise and strengthen liaison between the Army and the Ministry of Munitions.”
