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From thence I imbarked, and arrived at Angusa in Parir.Parir: This Ile is forty miles long, and sixe miles broad: being plentifull enough in all necessary things for the use of man: It was aunciently called Demetriado, whose length lieth South-west, and North-East: And hard by the high Mountaine of Camphasia, neere to Angusa, on a faire Valley standeth the auncient Temple of Venus, never a whit decayed to this day: This Ile was given to the Venetians by Henry the Constantinopolitan Emperour, and brother to Baldwin Earle of Flanders: and it was seazed upon by Mahomet, when Nigropont, and diverse other Iles were surprised from the Venetians.

In Angusa I stayed sixteene dayes, storme-sted with Northernely winds; and in all that time, I never came in bed: for my lodging was in a little Chappell a mile without the Village, on hard stones; where I also had a fire, and dressed my meate. The Greekes visited me oftentimes, & intreated me above all things I should not [III. 95.]enter within the bounds of their Sanctuary; because I was not of their Religion. But I in regard of the longsome and cold nights, was enforced every night to creepe in, in the midst or the Sanctuary to keepe my selfe warme, which Sanctuary was nothing but an Aultar hembd in with a partition wall about my height, dividing the little roome from the body of the Chappell.
