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[III. 93.]I travelled on foot in this Ile more then foure hundred miles, and upon the fifty eight day after my first comming to Carabusa, I imbarked in a Fisher-boat that belonged to Milo, being a hundred miles distant, which had beene violently driven thither with stormy weather.

And in our passing thither, we were in danger to be over-runne two severall times, with two huge broken Seas, which twice covered the body of the closse boat: yet with extreame fortune we arrived at Milo in a bay of the East corner of the Ile, being about St. Andrewes day, where the poore Greeks tooke me up to their Village, two miles distant from this Creeke, and I abode with them foure dayes.

Milo.Milo was called by Aristotle, Melada, and by others, Mimalida, Melos: And lastly Milo; because of the fine mil-stones that are got there, which are transported to Constantinople, Greece, and Natolia. This Ile is one of the Iles Cyclades, or Sporades, but more commonly Archipelago, or the Arch-Ilands, and standeth in the beginning of the Ægean sea: The Inhabitants are Greekes, but slaves to the Turke, and so are all the fifty foure Iles of the Cyclades, save onely Tino, which holdeth of the Venetians.
