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From Milo I came to Zephano in a small boat, an Iland of circuit about twenty miles, and ten miles distant from Milo: The Inhabitants are poore, yet kind people: There are an infinite number of Partridges within this Ile, of a reddish colour, and bigger then ours in Brittaine: They are wilde, and onely killed by small shot; but I have seene in other Ilands flockes of them feeding in the fields, and usually kept by children: Some others I have seene [III. 94.]in the streetes of Villages, without any keeper, even as our Hennes doe with us. I saw fountaines here, that naturally yeeld fine Oyle, which is the greatest advantage the Ilanders have.

Zephano.Zephano did once produce the Calamita, and was renowned for the fine Mines of Gold and Silver, of which now it is altogether desolate: There is also fine Sulphur here, and exceeding good Marble: from whence Lucullus was the first that transported it to Rome: There is a certaine ground in this Ile, where it is sayd, that if any take it away, or digge deepe holes, the earth of it selfe in a small time will surcrease without any ayde of man. East from Milo and Zephano, lye the Iles Policandro, and Christiana, formerly Laguso, Sicandro; and Sasurnino, anciently Calistha, famous for the birth of the Poet Calimachus.
