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At fifty minutes after ten, General Canrobert, attended by his staff and Brigadier-General Rose, rode up to Lord Raglan, and the staffs of the two Generals and their escorts mingled together in praise of the magnificent charge of our cavalry, while the chiefs apart conversed over the operations of the day, which promised to be one of battle. The Russian cavalry, followed by our shot, had retired in confusion, leaving the ground covered with horses and men. In carrying an order early in the day Mr. Blunt, Lord Lucan’s interpreter, and son of our Consul in Thessaly, had a narrow escape. His horse was killed, he seized a Russian charger as it galloped past riderless, but the horse carried him almost into the Russian cavalry, and he only saved himself by leaping into a redoubt among a number of frightened Turks who were praying to Allah on their bellies. At fifty-five minutes after ten, a body of Cavalry, the Chasseurs d’Afrique, passed down to the plain, and were loudly cheered by our men. They took up ground in advance of the ridges on our left.
