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BALTIC EXPEDITIONS.—There were three—1st, under Lord Nelson and Admiral Patton, April 2nd, 1801, when Copenhagen was bombarded and 28 Danish ships taken or destroyed. 2nd, under Admiral Gambier and Lord Cathcart, July 27th, 1807, where 18 sail of the line, 15 frigates, and 31 brigs and gunboats surrendered to the British. 3rd, during the Crimean war, under Admiral Sir Charles Napier, accompanied by a French fleet, the bombardment of Bummersund and burning Abo were some of the more important actions of the expedition.

BALTIMORE, BATTLE OF.—Fought September 12th, 1814, between the British army, under General Ross, and the Americans; the British in making an attack upon the town were unsuccessful, and after a desperate engagement were repulsed with great loss. The gallant General who led the enterprise was killed.

BANGALORE, SIEGE OF.—This siege was commenced by the British, under Lord Cornwallis, March 6th, and the town was taken March 21st, 1791. Bangalore was restored to Tippoo, in 1792, when he destroyed the strong fort, deemed the “Bulwark of Mysore.”
