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Captain Nolan was killed by the first shot fired, as he rode in advance of the Hussars, cheering them on. Lord Lucan was slightly wounded. Lord Cardigan received a lance thrust through his clothes. Major Halkett, of the 4th Light Dragoons, was killed. Lord Fitzgibbon of the 8th Hussars, was desperately wounded, and has since, I fear, died.

In our cavalry fight we had 13 officers killed or missing, 156 men killed or missing: total 169; 21 officers wounded, 197 men wounded; total 218. Total killed, wounded, and missing, 387. Horses killed or missing, 394; horses wounded 126; total 520.

BALKAN, PASSAGE OF THE.—This adventurous experiment was deemed impracticable by a hostile army, until effected by the Russian army under Diebitsch, whose march through the Balkan mountains is a memorable achievement of the late great Russian and Turkish war. The passage was completed July 26th, 1829. An armistice was the consequence; and a treaty of peace was signed at Adrianople in September following.

BALLINAHINCH, BATTLE OF.—This sanguinary engagement was fought, June 13th, 1798, between the Earl of Moira, afterwards Marquis of Hastings, and a large body of insurgent Irish. In this battle a large part of the town was destroyed and the royal army suffered very severely.
