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BARNET, BATTLE OF.—This battle was fought between the houses of York and Lancaster, when Edward IV gained a decisive and memorable victory over the Earl of Warwick, on Easter day, April 14th, 1471. The Earl of Warwick, who has been styled in history “The King Maker,” his brother, the Marquess of Montacute, and 10,000 of his army were slain. At the moment Warwick fell, he was leading a chosen body of troops into the thickest of the slaughter, and his body was found covered with wounds after the battle.

BARRACKS.—This word is not found in our early dictionaries. In the Dictionaire de l’Académie, it is thus defined, “Baraque—Hutte que font les soldats en campagne pour se mettre à couvert.

BARROSA OR BAROSSA, BATTLE OF.—Fought between the British army, commanded by Major General Graham, afterwards Lord Lynedoch, and the French, under Marshal Victor. After a long conflict, the British achieved one of the most glorious triumphs of the Peninsular war. Although they fought to great disadvantage, they compelled the enemy to retreat, leaving nearly 3000 dead, 6 pieces of cannon and an eagle, the first that the British had taken. The loss of the British was 1169 men in killed and wounded.
