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BELLAIR, BATTLE OF.—In America.—This town was attacked by the British forces, under command of Sir Peter Parker; but after an obstinate engagement, in which the result was a long time doubtful, they were repulsed with considerable loss, and their gallant commander was killed. August 30th, 1814.

BENDER.—Is memorable as the asylum of Charles XII of Sweden, after his defeat at Pultowa, by the Czar Peter the Great, July 8th, 1709. The celebrated peace of Bender was concluded 1711. It was taken by storm by the Russians in 1770, and again in 1789.—Restored by the peace of Jassey, but retained at the peace of 1812.

BERESINA, BATTLE OF.—Fought November 28th, 1812, and resulted in the total defeat of the French main army, by the Russians, on the banks of the Beresina, followed by their disastrous passage of it when escaping out of Russia. The French lost upwards of 20,000 men in this battle, and in their retreat, which was attended by the greatest difficulty, calamity and suffering, the career of their glory was closed in that campaign.
