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BAYONNE.—In the neighbourhood of this town there was much desperate fighting between the French and English armies, December 10th, 11th, and 13th, 1813. Bayonne was invested by the British, January 14th, 1814, during which the French made a sally and attacked the English with success, but were at length driven back. The loss of the British was considerable, and Lieut.-General Sir John Hope was wounded and taken prisoner. It was here that the bayonet was first made, in or about A.D. 1670. According to the Abbé Langlet, it was first used by the French in battle, 1693, “with great success against an enemy unprepared for the encounter with so formidable a novelty.” Adopted by the British, September 26th, 1693.

BEACHY HEAD, ENGAGEMENT OF.—Memorable for the defeat of the British and Dutch combined fleet, by the French. The British, whose ships were commanded by the Earl of Torrington, suffered very severely in the unequal contest, June 30th, 1690. The Dutch lost two Admirals and 500 men, the English two ships and 400 men. Several of the Dutch ships were sunk to prevent them from falling into the hands of the enemy. The Admirals on both sides were blamed; on the English side for not fighting, on the French, for not pursuing the victory.
