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BEAGUE, BATTLE OF.—In Anjou, France.—Fought April 3rd, 1421, between the English and French.—The former commanded by the Duke of Clarence, the latter by the Dauphin of France, who was aided by a body of 7000 Scots, under the Earl of Buchan. The English were defeated with the loss of 1500 men killed, and the Duke himself was killed by a Scotch Knight.

BELGRADE, BATTLE OF.—Fought in 1456, between the German and Turkish armies, in which the latter was defeated with the loss of 40,000 men. Belgrade was taken by Solyman, 1522, and retaken by the Imperialists in 1688, from whom it again reverted to the Turks in 1690. Again taken by Prince Eugene, in 1717, and kept till 1739, when it was ceded to the Turks, after its fine fortifications had been demolished. It was again taken in 1789, and restored at the peace of Reichenbach, 1790. The Servian insurgents had possession of it in 1806. The most memorable siege which it sustained was undertaken in May, 1717, by Prince Eugene. On August 5th of that year, the Turkish army, 200,000 strong, approached to relieve it, and a sanguinary battle was fought, in which the Turks lost 20,000; after the battle Belgrade surrendered. This city is called “The Key of Eastern Christendom,” and “The Bulwark of Christian Europe.”
