Читать книгу The Protocols and World Revolution. Including a Translation and Analysis of the "Protocols of the Meetings of the Zionist Men of Wisdom" онлайн

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“A copy of the original may be seen at the British Museum Library, under No. 3926-d-17, stamped British Museum, 10th August, 1906.”

They state also that the publication of the English pamphlet at present is justified by the growing menace of Bolshevism throughout the world. The pamphlet concludes with the warning:

“Gentiles, Beware!”

It seems obvious that the publishers, Eyre & Spottiswoode, Ltd., have used Nilus’s book “The Great in the Little,” published in Russia in 1905.

A specific reference to the Protocols is to be found also in the French weekly magazine La Vieille-France, No. 160, published in February, 1920. In the editorial article entitled “The Jews Have Created Bolshevism” (pages 10-13) the following extract from the Zionist Protocols, as published by Nilus, is given in French:

“A nous, son Peuple d’élection, Dieu a donné le pouvoir d’expansion, et ce qui semble être notre faiblesse a été notre force. Nous sommes au seuil de la domination universelle. Il reste peu à construire sur ces bases,” etc. etc.
