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Don Quixote

When Kenneth got home he told Mr. Watson of his discovery and asked the old gentleman to write to the sign painter and find out what could be done. The lawyer laughed heartily at his young friend’s whim, but agreed to help him.

“If you are going to try to prevent rural advertising,” he remarked, “you’ll find your hands full.”

Kenneth looked up smiling.

“Thank you,” he said.

“For what?”

“For finding me something to do. I’m sick of this inaction.”

Again the lawyer laughed.

“What is your idea?” he asked.

“To remove such eyesores as advertising signs from the neighborhood of Elmhurst.”

“It’s a Titan’s task, Ken.”

“So much the better.”

The lawyer grew thoughtful.

“I believe it’s impossible,” he ventured.

“Better yet. I don’t say I’ll succeed, but I promise to try. I want something to occupy myself—something really difficult, so that I may test my own powers.”

“But, my dear boy! This foolish proposition isn’t worthy your effort. If you want to be up and doing we’ll find something else to occupy your mind.”
