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“Nor I, at present. But there must be a way.”

“Drive out one, and another will take his place. They pay liberally for locations—”

“Pshaw! Ten dollars a year for a rock as big as a barn!”

“But they rent thousands of such positions, and in the aggregate our farmers get large sums from them.”

“And ruin the appearance of their homes and farms.”

Mr. Watson smiled.

“They’re not artists, Ken. They can’t realize on appearances, but they can use the money the signs bring them.”

“They need to be educated, that’s all. These farmers seem very honest, decent fellows.”

“They are, Ken. I wish you knew them better.”

“So do I, Mr. Watson. This campaign ought to bring us closer together, for I mean to get them to help me.”

“You’ll have to buy them, I’m afraid.”

“Not all of them. There must be some refinement among them.”

But the lawyer was not convinced. However, it was not his desire to stifle this new-born enthusiasm of Kenneth’s, even though he believed it misdirected. He wanted the young man to rouse himself and take an interest in life, and if his antagonism to advertising signs would effect this, the futile fight against them was to be welcomed. It would cost the boy something, but he would gain his money’s worth in experience.
