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At this meeting there were present the following trustees, besides those above mentioned: M. Tyler, C. Blunt, J. W. Stevens, J. Dosier and A. H. Curtis. Revs. W. H. McAlpine and J. Blevins, with Bro. A. H. Curtis, were empowered to act as Executive Committee of the Board. After some discussion as to whether to rent or purchase, it was voted to rent, and not to pay over $15 per month. The Committee was so instructed, and was further instructed not to assume over $50 per month for teaching force. The Committee elected Mr. H. Woodsmall, of Indiana, and he at once opened the school in the St. Phillip Street Baptist Church.

On May 30, 1878, the Board held another meeting in Selma. Present: Revs. M. Tyler, J. Blevins, G. C. Casby, Thomas Smith, J. Dosier, H. Stevens, W. H. McAlpine and C. O. Boothe. At this meeting the Committee were authorized to purchase the “Old Fair Grounds” for $3,000. The Baptist Pioneer was started, with W. H. McAlpine, editor; J. Dosier and C. O. Boothe as assistants. The Committee, to the great satisfaction of the Board, reported that the St. Phillips Street Church had donated to the school the use of their audience room, the oil for lights, and fuel, and also that the services of Bro. W. R. Pettiford had been secured at a cost of $20 per month, allowing him time to take lessons in theology.
