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Held in Opelika, November 12-15, 1879. In this session Rev. A. F. Owens joined, and Revs. A. Butler and B. Burke forsook the Convention. Rev. D. M. Phillips, of Tuskegee, had left the cross for the crown.

The second $1,000 had been paid on our campus, and $700 worth of improvements had been added to the buildings. A missionary society organized by President Woodsmall and operating in the St. Philip Street Church, is reported as giving partial support to Profs. Alston and Pettiford, and to students D. T. Gulley and J. C. Curry.



Held in Marion, November 17-20, 1880. The officers elected were: M. Tyler, president; J. A. Foster, vice-president; N. R. Nickerson, clerk; G. C. Casby, corresponding secretary, and C. White, treasurer. Except a small balance due Brother Woodsmall the school was now free from debt, besides owning thirty-six acres of land and temporary buildings.

Shiloh Baptist Church, Birmingham, Ala., Rev. T. W. Walker, Pastor.

Rev. S. Adams had gone to the other world.