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Bacillus Influenzæ in Cases of Influenza.

By means of multiple cultures taken simultaneously from different portions of the respiratory tract no difficulty was encountered in demonstrating B. influenzæ in all these cases of uncomplicated influenza. Not only was B. influenzæ found in all cases, but often in very large numbers predominating over all other bacteria on at least one of the plates from each patient, and in occasional instances occurring in nearly pure culture. One culture made about two hours after onset of the initial coryza is of interest. There was at the time a profuse serous nasal discharge. One drop of this allowed to fall on the surface of a blood agar plate gave a practically pure culture of B. influenzæ.

Table IIPresence of B. Influenzæ in 28 Cases of InfluenzaNO.DAY OF DISEASENOSETHROATSPUTUM CULTURESPUTUM PASSED THROUGH MOUSE11++++24−+++35−−+−44−−++53−−++64−++c72−+−c84+++−95−+++102+−−−112−+c+123c+++133−−−+142−−++153c−−+161−+++173−+−+184++c+196−−++201−+++212−+−+224+−++233c−−+242+−−−251−−++265−−++27?−+−+281−−++6141722c indicates that the plate was contaminated.

During the latter part of November and in early December a small secondary wave of influenza occurred at Camp Pike. In a series of 48 consecutive cases, B. influenzæ was readily found in all by means of combined throat cultures and mouse inoculation of the sputum, 33 times (68.7 per cent) in the throat cultures, 39 times (81.3 per cent) in the sputum. These cases were cultured on admission to the receiving ward of the hospital within twenty-four to forty-eight hours after onset and were all early cases of influenza without complications at the time the cultures were made. In 90 more consecutive cases in this series 62 or 68.9 per cent showed B. influenzæ in a single throat culture taken on admission.
