Читать книгу Epidemic Respiratory Disease. The pneumonias and other infections of the repiratory tract accompanying influenza and measles онлайн

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The Surgeon General has approved the publication of this report but the authors alone are responsible for the views expressed.

Eugene L. Opie.

Washington University

School of Medicine



CHARTSPAGE1.The onset of cases of pneumonia shown by autopsy to be uncomplicated by secondary infection with hemolytic streptococcus and of cases of streptococcus pneumonia1412.The date of onset of cases in which autopsy demonstrated lobar pneumonia1613.Shows the relation of the epidemic of measles to that of influenza at Camp Pike, and the relations of the pneumonia following measles to both measles and influenza2934.Shows the time interval between the onset of measles and the onset of the subsequent pneumonia in the 56 cases of pneumonia following measles at Camp Pike3065.Shows the time relation between the identification of hemolytic streptococci in the throats and the development of otitis media in 27 cases shown to be due to hemolytic streptococci314FIG.1.Acute bronchitis showing engorgement of blood vessels of mucosa and elevation of epithelium by serum and blood1462.Acute bronchopneumonia with nodules of peribronchiolar consolidation and purulent bronchitis1673.Acute bronchopneumonia with peribronchiolar consolidation1694.Acute bronchopneumonia with peribronchiolar consolidation1705.Bronchopneumonia with hemorrhagic peribronchiolar consolidation1746.Acute bronchopneumonia with confluent gray lobular consolidation in lower part of upper lobe and hemorrhagic peribronchiolar pneumonia in lower lobe; purulent bronchitisssss17.Bronchopneumonia with purulent bronchitis and peribronchial hemorrhage1908.Streptococcus pneumonia with massive necrosisssss19.Abscess below pleura with perforation caused by hemolytic streptococcissss110.Interstitial suppurative pneumonia; interstitial septa are the site of suppuration and lymphatics are distended with purulent fluid; empyema21111.Suppurative interstitial pneumonia21212.Suppurative interstitial pneumonia21613.Suppurative interstitial pneumonia showing a dilated lymphatic21714.Endophlebitis occurring in association with suppurative pneumonia21915.Abscesses in two clusters caused by S. aureus in upper part of right upper lobessss116.Abscesses in cluster caused by S. aureus at apex of right lobe22817.Acute bronchiectasis showing fissures penetrating into bronchial wall and at one place entering alveolar tissue24618.Acute bronchiectasis showing fissures in the bronchial wall extending into neighboring alveoli which in zone about are filled with fibrin24719.Acute bronchiectasis; the bronchial wall indicated by engorged mucosa shows a varying degree of destruction, fissures extending into and through the bronchial wall24820.Acute bronchiectasis with destruction of bronchial wall exposing alveoli filled with fibrin24921.Bronchiectasis with fissures extending through the bronchial wall into alveolar tissue which is site of fibrinous pneumonia25122.Regeneration of epithelium over fissures which have been formed in the wall of a bronchus25223.Squamous epithelium growing over the defect in the bronchial wall25324.Acute bronchiectasis with fissures extending through bronchial wall which is marked by great engorgement of blood vessels25525.Advanced bronchiectasis throughout lower left lobe25826.Unresolved bronchopneumonia with tubercle-like nodules of peribronchiolar consolidation best seen in lower lobe; bronchiectasis26827.Unresolved pneumonia with peribronchial formation of fibrous tissue; bronchiectasis27028.Unresolved pneumonia with bronchiectasis showing new formation of fibrous tissue about a greatly dilated bronchus of which the epithelial lining has been lostssss129.Lobar pneumonia following measles33830.Unresolved bronchopneumonia with measles showing new formation of fibrous tissue about a bronchus and in immediately adjacent alveolar walls34231.Unresolved bronchopneumonia with measles showing a nodule of chronic fibrous pneumonia surrounding a respiratory bronchiole34332.Unresolved bronchopneumonia with measles showing chronic pneumonia about a respiratory bronchiole and alveolar duct34433.Experimental lobar pneumonia in the stage of gray hepatization produced by injection of Pneumococcus III into the trachea of a monkey395
