Читать книгу Epidemic Respiratory Disease. The pneumonias and other infections of the repiratory tract accompanying influenza and measles онлайн

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At the end of August our commission was transferred from Camp Funston to Camp Pike, where throughout the history of the encampment pneumonia had been so prevalent that it had given the camp the rank of third in death rate from lobar pneumonia and fourth in death rate from bronchopneumonia among 32 camps established in this country. We arrived at Camp Pike September 5 and were stationed at the base hospital. Our work was facilitated by the hearty cooperation of the commanding officer, Major Morton R. Gibbons, who neglected no opportunity to promote the investigation. Our work was cordially aided by Major Carl R. Comstock, Director of the Medical Service, and by Major Henry H. Lissner, who later occupied this position. Work in the laboratory of the hospital received the valuable cooperation of Major Allen J. Smith, Director of the Laboratory, who placed at our disposal every facility available. Lieutenant James R. Davis, who was for a time in charge of the laboratory, effectively assisted the work.
