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Cathartics are essentially serviceable also in several diseases of the class Neuroses, which are generally intimately connected with a morbid condition of the alimentary passages; Chorea and Hysteria have been very successfully treated in this manner. The diseases incident to puberty in both sexes are also best relieved by a course of purgative medicines, and their effects in Chlorosis have conferred upon many of them the specific title of Emmenagogues.

But the therapeutical utility of Cathartics extends beyond the mere feculent evacuations which they may occasion. In consequence of the stimulating action which some of them exert upon the exhalent vessels, they abstract a considerable portion of fluid from the general current of the circulation, and are, on that account, beneficial as Anti-phlogistics. For the same reason they may act as powerful promoters of absorption, for there exists an established relation between the powers of exhalation and absorption, so that when the action of one is increased, that of the other is augmented.
