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b. By compressing the thoracic viscera, through the operation of an emetic.

The beneficial results which frequently attend the concussion of an emetic, in cases of mucous accumulations in the lungs, are too well known and understood to require much elucidation: in the act of vomiting the thoracic viscera are violently compressed, the neighbouring muscles are also called into strong action, and both expiration and inspiration are thus rendered more forcible, and the expulsion of mucus from the cavity of the lungs necessarily accomplished.

The safety and expediency of such a resource must, however, in each particular case be left to the discretion of the medical practitioner.

Besides the remedies above enumerated, there are some others which afford relief in certain coughs, and have therefore in popular medicine, been considered as Expectorants; but their operation, if they exert any, is to be explained upon principles altogether different from that of facilitating expectoration, and will more properly fall under the head of Demulcents.
