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b. By increasing the power of the Absorbents.

In some cases, the mucous inundation may not depend upon any fault in the exhalants, but upon a torpid state of the pulmonary absorbents: our remedy for this evil is to be found amongst that class of medicines which have the power of promoting absorption, as small doses of some mercurial preparation, Digitalis, and perhaps Nicotiana, &c.

c. By determining to the skin by a gentle diaphoresis.

It is evident that an increase of the cutaneous exhalation is generally attended with a relative diminution in the other serous excretions of body; this is so obvious with respect to our urinary discharge, that every person must have noticed the variation of its quantity at different seasons of the year: in like manner the exhalation from the lungs, although less capable of becoming an object of observation, is not less affected by the state of the cutaneous discharge; hence medicines capable of promoting it, are calculated to diminish the quantity of serous exhalation from the lungs; and it is upon this principle, that well regulated doses of the compound powder of Ipecacuan], frequently furnish the oppressed asthmatic with a valuable resource.
