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The increased efficacy which these medicines derive from combination with each other, will form a subject of interesting enquiry in the succeeding essay.


Medicines which are supposed to be capable of facilitating the excretion of mucus from the breast, ex pectore, that is, from the trachea, and cells and passages of the lungs.

If the term Expectorant be intended to express a medicinal substance which has the power of promoting the expulsion of fluid from the lungs, by some specific action on the parts concerned, we can have no hesitation in at once rejecting the word, and denying the existence of such remedies: if, however the term be received, conventionally, as comprehending all those substances which are capable, according to the state of the system in each particular case, of producing expectoration, it will be extremely proper to recognise, and practically useful to retain, such a class of medicinal agents. In order that their modus operandi may be correctly understood, the following classification is submitted to the reader.
