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b. By stimulating the Pulmonary Exhalants, by the actual contact of a medicinal substance.

There certainly appear to be substances which enter the circulation, and are more peculiarly determined to the pulmonary vessels, since their odour is to be distinctly recognised in the air that is expired. Garlic may be adduced as an example of this kind; so penetrating is its odorous principle, that if it be only applied to the soles of the feet it may be perceived in the breath. Such substances may stimulate the exhalant vessels through which they pass, and by this stimulus the secretion may be increased, and the mucus contained in the follicles diluted, so as to be poured out in a less viscid form, and consequently in a state to be more easily brought up by expectoration.

c. By stimulating the top of the trachea, and thereby increasing the activity of the Exhalant vessels of the lungs, by a species of contiguous sympathy.

The salutary operation of those various remedies, which are allowed to pass slowly over the fauces, sufficiently establish the fact which is here announced. In this manner I apprehend that much benefit may arise from the use of a Linctus, and I am satisfied from experience that certain cases of hoarseness are to be frequently removed by such an application of stimulating syrups.
