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The Origin of Migration


Migration has long since become a definite hereditary habit that recurs in annual cycles, probably because of physiological stimulus associated with the reproductive period. Its origin is locked in the ages of geologic time, but by study of the history of how birds came to occupy their present ranges, information becomes available from which reasonable theories may be developed and explored. The two that are most commonly accepted are diametrically opposed to each other.

Northern ancestral home theory


According to one of these hypotheses, in earlier ages nonmigratory birds swarmed over the entire Northern Hemisphere. At that time the conditions of food and habitat were such as to permit them to remain in their haunts throughout the year, that is, the entire northern area then afforded the two important avian requirements—suitable breeding conditions, and year-long food supply. This is the condition today in the Tropics, and it is noteworthy that, as a rule, tropical birds do not perform migrations. Gradually, however, in the Northern Hemisphere the glacial ice fields advanced southward, forcing the birds before them, until finally all bird life was concentrated in southern latitudes. As the ages passed the ice cap gradually retreated, and each spring the birds whose ancestral home had been in the North endeavored to return, only to be driven south again at the approach of winter. As the size of the ice-covered area diminished the journeys made became ever longer until eventually the climatic conditions of the present age became established and with them the habit of migration.
