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It is a strange fact that although almost all professional paleontologists are agreed that existing data oppose the theory of continental drift, those who support it contend that their case is strengthened by these same data. If, in the geologic history of the earth, there was any such thing as continental drift, it appears from the evidence available that it was before the Cretaceous period, estimated to have been about 70,000,000 years ago. Birds had then evolved but those known from fossil remains were of extremely primitive types such as Hesperornis and Ichthyornis. There is no evidence of the existence in that period of any birds that were even closely related to any of those now living. Accordingly, it is difficult to believe that the migratory patterns of existing species have been determined by events that, if they did take place, were at least 70,000,000 or more years ago.

When Birds Migrate


It is known that at any given point many species leave in the fall and return in the spring. Since banding has had such wide application as a method of study, it is known also that in some species one of the parent birds (rarely both) frequently returns and nests in the tree, bush, or box that held its nest in the previous season. One ordinarily thinks of the world of birds as quiescent during two periods each year, at nesting time, and in winter. For individuals this is obviously the case, but when the entire avifauna of the continent is considered it is found that there are at almost all periods some latitudinal movements.
