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You will appreciate this even more when you learn that one of the underground charges laid against Scott Nearing was that he, when asked privately by a student for his opinion of the Episcopal Academy, had said that he would rather send a son of his to hell than to the academy. This shocked a trustee, Mr. Bell, Republican machine politician and ex-attorney general, who had never heard such language used in political life. But Mr. Bell did not object to the Rev. Sunday stating that ex-President Eliot of Harvard University was a man “so low-down he would need an aeroplane to get into hell.” Poor President Eliot, it should be explained, is a Unitarian—that is the reason he gets cussed![G]

ssss1. Ordinarily a man’s domestic misfortunes are not proper basis for attack upon his ideas; but when a man sets himself up as a teacher of the young, when he claims that he has the one true and valid moral system, and pours out virulent abuse upon all who differ with his ideas—then it seems reasonable to call attention to the fact that the son of the evangelist, William A. Sunday, Jr., has been arrested in the city of Los Angeles twice within the past fortnight. The first time he was fined two hundred dollars for reckless driving of an automobile; the second time his home was raided, and he and seven of his guests were arrested upon complaint of the neighborhood that they have been conducting drunken debauches for many weeks.
